Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Yeah....I'm slow once again!!

So I know the last time I posted that I promised, with "scout's honor", that I wouldn't wait so long to post....but technically since I'm a girl and not a "scout", I really didn't lie?!?!  Well, for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry it's been so long but life really does get busy and to just sit down and write about what's going on seems to be something else that just keeps me busy so therefore I don't always find the time to do it!!  Yes, it's a vicious cycle and hopefully, I can break it soon!!  LOL  HEY...we can always hope!!
Zane did really well being home schooled for his 4th grade year...but if you ask him, he would probably say that I was a "mean teacher"!!  LOL  Oh well, I know he is very smart and can do better than what he tries to get away with.  However, I know he will agree about one thing...he likes being able to wake up later and doing school in pj's, if he wants!!  But he really did do good and what he seemed to be lacking in math, due to being out sick so much, he quickly made up for it!  In fact, he did so well, we decided to home school him for his 5th grade year!  Just pray for me and my sanity!!
Zane also got the Holy Ghost in October and was baptized!  What a joyous occasion that was to see my baby get the Holy Ghost!!  "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth" 3 John 1:4  This is the best accomplishment EVER!  Just to know that he's walking after God is my greatest desire for his life!!
Zach's senior year was just a passing blur now that I'm looking back on it!  He ended up quitting his job around Thanksgiving, after us urging him to do so because of the treatment he was getting from the owners!  He didn't work during the holidays but found a job in January at Taco Cabana in Rockwall, and he's still there!  He loves it!  He was accepted to SMU (Southern Methodist University) in Dallas!  He wants to major in Civil Engineering and minor in Mechanical Engineering!  He also plans to live at home and take the DART rail.  The new DART station opened in Rowlett and we only live about 3 miles from it and it would drop him off right across the freeway from SMU and he would just take the bus across to the campus.  But most of all, Zach wants God's will in his life so whatever God has planned for him will be the best thing he could ever hope to accomplish!  Well, his senior finished with him graduating 86 out of 601 students, putting him in the top 15% of his class!! He had 30.5 credits even though it only took 24 to graduate!  He also had a 3.81 GPA....Yep, to say the least, I'm one proud Momma!!
His graduation party was at the church and we really had a great time celebrating his accomplishments with all the family and friends that attended!
He's doing great just working over the summer and enjoying going to senior camp in Lufkin and also to Louisville, Kentucky for NAYC with the youth of our church!  Fall will start a new season in his life and we can't wait to see what all he will accomplish!
As for Ron, he started to work at IntegraSys IT in March 2013 and is working temporary full-time until September when he will have the opportunity to go full-time with that company.  He enjoyed his 10 months of not working but it was a time spent looking for jobs that obviously wasn't what God had for him or he would have had a job sooner.  God knows best and He never failed us and provided for us during Ron's time of unemployment!  For that, we are truly thankful!!  
I'm continuing to stay home with Zane so that I can home school him until we decide that it's time for him to go back to school.  Not sure when that will be, maybe sooner if my patience doesn't kick in soon!! LOL  At the current time, we are preparing for our vacation on a Disney Cruise that was paid for by my parents!  All 4 of us plus my Mom and Roy will be going on the cruise and we are soooo looking forward to that!!  I will have to post some pictures from that when we get back!  
Well that's a quick synopsis of whats been going on with us...hopefully, I will post again soon to keep you all updated...or who knows?  Maybe to tell some more of what you missed out on!!  Thanks for reading!!