Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Better late than never?

It has been some time since I updated my blog, so I will try to catch up eventually!!!  On March 26th, we got a call late that night saying that Memaw, Ron's grandmother, had fallen and hit her head and she was being rushed to the hospital.  She had just checked on her oxygen machine for the night and was turning around to go to bed and she stumbled and fell flat on her face!  She severely damaged her right eye and was transferred to Baylor Hospital to a eye specialist and they did surgery the next evening.  However, she did have bleeding on the brain and was in pretty serious condition.  To make a long story short, she lost the sight in her eye and ended up having a stroke a week later.  The stroke affected her swallowing and her whole left side.  She ended up staying in the hospital until June 28th, which was 3 months and 2 days, and after all that she went through, she will never be able to live on her own again...which is very sad for the whole family considering how independent she and Pawpaw had been for many years. 
On May 13th, I had nose surgery due to a deviated septum and both nasal passages were collapsed.  It was a day surgery with only about a week for down time at home.  After that I was up and ready to go! 

The school year ended with both boys passing with flying colors and Zane was on the 'A' honor roll for the year!! We are so proud of him!
The first weekend in June, the boys and I went to my family reunion...the Norton family reunion in Heber Springs, Arkansas.  Nana and Poppa Roy went with us and we had a really great time!  It was so good to visit with family we haven't seen for over 2 years.  I think the boys wanted to go to play in the pool, and play they did!!  It was hard to get them out of the pool but they had a lot of fun and didn't want to leave. 

The first two weeks of June brought swim lessons for Zane and he really did great!!  By the end of the two weeks, he was jumping in 10 feet of water and swimming really good!  But we were glad when it was over, so we could finally sleep in!!  The third week of June was Junior Camp at Lufkin, Texas for Zachary!  He had a blast hanging out with friends and had awesome church services!  He came back almost hoarse from yelling and shouting so much!  He had so much fun he was ready to head back the next week for Senior camp.  I was also planning on going to Senior camp to serve as a dorm matron...but little did we know that God had other plans for us because of a change that was coming to our family!

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