I can't believe that Zachary is 14 today....It seems like he was born just yesterday. I know that everyone says that so much that it is a cliche, but it really does seem that way! One day you are holding this precious new baby and then the next day you are waving bye as they enter high school! I remember wanting a baby so bad and then the day I found out I was pregnant I panicked - afraid that I was too young, or not going to be a good mom, and so many other thoughts. But the day Zachary was born was a very happy day for me - I was finally going to have the baby I always wanted. And it was love at first sight! To hold this precious baby that God blessed us with was just the most awesome feeling in the world! Now 14 years later and I couldn't love him more! I am so proud of him and what he is becoming! I just pray that God will keep His hand on Zachary in the years to come and that he becomes the man God wants him to be! Happy birthday Zachary - I love you with all my heart!!
OH Goodness! Make it stop! Make my little "Zachy-Doo" stop growing up right this minute! I LOVE that you guys take a photo of the boys next to the sign. Such a treasure. Big hugs - Cindy Lou