Zane truly fits the birth order personality for a last child. He is the comedian of the family and there is NEVER a dull moment with him around....he says some of the funniest things to make us laugh! A few weeks ago, I asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner and he told me he wanted 'fee-hot-as'. I was puzzled because I didn't have the faintest ideal of what he was talking I asked him what in the world is that. He said 'you know a fee-hot-a from Taco Cabana'...I busted out laughing because I realized he was wanting fajitas!! It was so funny! Another funny thing happened just last night at the dinner table. I was so excited about purchasing a Crop-a-dile (tool for scrapbooking) for a really good price earlier in the day. So I said "I'm so excited about getting that crop-a-dile" and Zane piped up and said "oh no! Now it's going to eat us"! I busted out laughing because he thought I had bought a crocodile! He is also very much a risk-taker...when he was about 2, I was doing some laundry and Zane was no where around and very quite...I knew to go look for him because he was into something! Sure enough, I walked into the kitchen and he had his tricycle in the middle of the table, sitting on it, and about to ride it off!!! I about had a heart attack then and there! He definitely keeps us on our toes!!
But he is also so sweet! One winter day I was getting him bundled up, ready to go outside and he looked up to me and said, 'I love you Momma'. I told him that I loved him too and very much. Then he asked me ' Momma will we be holding hands when we go into heaven?' I told him 'I don't know, why?' Then he said 'but what if I can't find you, I will be scared'. At this point, I had to swallow really hard to hold back my tears. So I just pulled him really close and gave him a big hug. And I told him that if we weren't 'together when we first get there at least nothing bad will happen because there won't be any mean people in heaven.' He just looked up at me and smiled. Moments like that, I cherish so much!
Zane LOVES video games....and one of his all-time favorites is 'Super Smash Bros. Melee' fact, I think he would play that night and day if we would let him! But when he plays it, he is hilarious to watch. He jumps up and down the WHOLE TIME HE PLAYS!!! He actually ends up sweating by the time he stops playing...but he pretty much does this with every game he plays! The whole bit about kids not getting enough exercise when they play video games does not apply to Zane in one little bit!!
Zane also LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his big brother, Zach! He wants to dress like Zach, talk like Zach, act like Zach....and it goes on and on! If we are at the store and he's getting a toy or candy, he always wants to get something for Zach, even if Zach isn't with us! I love to watch them play together and have fun! I'm so glad they have each other!
Zane also LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his big brother, Zach! He wants to dress like Zach, talk like Zach, act like Zach....and it goes on and on! If we are at the store and he's getting a toy or candy, he always wants to get something for Zach, even if Zach isn't with us! I love to watch them play together and have fun! I'm so glad they have each other!
Finally, Zane is very smart, but he doesn't like to show it....and what I mean by that is he knows his school work but likes to 'act' like he doesn't to see if I will help him! But when I let him know that it's 'his homework and not mine', he can get it done in no time!! See, he's even smart enough to figure out a way to get people to help him, and it does work on some people, just not on me!!
Zane is such an awesome little guy that I am so proud of....stay tuned, I'm sure with him around I will have plenty more stories to post in the future!!
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