Friday, September 28, 2012

Holy Moley...Where has time gone??

WOW..that is all I can say to describe last year, well, maybe a few I'm kinda, sorta glad it's over.  But I still don't know where it went to?  Oh well, it's gone and never to return but I know that being busy the last few months of the year sure made it go faster too!  With me starting a full-time temporary job, it's kept me running like a crazy person.  But I will try to give you a quick run down of what caused the end of 2011 to pass so quickly for us!
Right after my last post, Zane became sick, in fact, he became very sick and ended up in the hospital for 4 days with double pneumonia!!  He missed 2 weeks of school and after 3 types of antibiotics, he finally got over it.  It was a rough 2 weeks for us, to say the least!  After that I came down with pneumonia, or at least the Doctor treated me for it, and said I would have to take an x-ray to be sure but I ended up with, what I think was, a cracked rib from the extreme coughing!!  Let's just say I was glad when November was OVER!
December, January and most of February came and went so fast, it's now all a blur!  I only worked for the temp agency until January of this year and decided to find a more permanent position.  In February, I took a part-time position as an Administrative Assistant.  However, on March 19th I was on my way to work and was rear-ended by another car.  It caused some disc damage to my back and I was having some pretty severe pain.  (By the way, the x-rays taken for checking my back, showed I did crack my rib!)  After a few shots, thankfully, I am much better and definitely back on the road to complete recovery!
April 5th was a pretty devastating day for us....Ron lost his job that he had for 14 years and 10 months!  However, he was still employed with them until June 10th and receiving his regular salary but had a 2 month vacation!  I think he enjoyed that!! At the current time, he is still looking for a job but we want it to be God's will for the position he gets, and we know that God will provide!  He's never failed us!
Zachary finished his Junior year and found a job at a little barbecue place just a few minutes from home.  His first day was on April 13th...and yes, it was a Friday.  The part that made it truly a Friday the 13th was when he called me at 7ish that morning and said he had been involved in a wreck!!  Thankfully, he was fine with some damage to his truck and very minor damage to the school bus he hit....yes, you read that right, a school bus.  The bus was empty, other than the driver and monitor and Zachary was somewhat upset but he survived and I think he now realizes that the bus is definitely bigger than his truck!!
Zane finished 3rd grade but after missing over 20 days due to sickness during the school year.  We made the decision to home school for 4th grade, hopefully to prevent any major sickness again with him!  He's growing like a weed and almost skipped size 10 clothing without blinking an eye!!
Well this has been somewhat short and and to the point but I promise (scouts honor) I won't wait as long to post again!!

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