Friday, January 24, 2014

His dreams come true...

As promised, I'm back to let you know about more events in our life.  Not that they are earth changing but events, nonetheless!!  So Zach ended up not going to SMU and was disappointed to say the least.  Due to finances, there was no possible way for him to attend SMU for 4 years without racking up some considerable student loans, so he opted for something else more economical!  He is going to community college and doing most of it online...and he was happy with the fact that he could still do college yet stay in his pajamas!!  He still plans on attending SMU but after he completes 2 years at the community college.  It will definitely be more feasible!  BUT, on October 8, 2013, one of his dreams did come true!!

He got his very own brand new 2014 Ford Mustang!  The color is Grabber Blue and absolutely makes Zach a very happy camper!!  He is like a kid with a new toy....and that's actually how it's his new toy!  We are so happy that we could help him, but he will be making the payments and I am very proud of him for that!  He is a hard worker and very smart and I'm so glad that he could achieve one of his dreams...SMU will have to wait but I know that with hard work and diligence, he will make it there too!!  Way to go, Zach!!

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