Saturday, January 25, 2014

Still catching up....

I'm still trying to play catch up with everything that has happened in our lives last year.  And I know I've told you all about the cruise and Zach getting a new car.  However, I forgot to mention that right after we got back from our cruise that Ron's boss (Dan at IntegraSys IT) decided that he wanted to make Ron permanent but he was taking a loss from a big client and decided he would have to pass the loss on to Ron and offer him $10,000 less a year than what he was currently paying!! Well, that didn't go over to well and Ron declined the offer because he knew his family couldn't make ends meet with the lesser amount.  So Ron was out of work for about a month and a half!  November 18th, Ron took a job with Empire Petroleum and he's liking it pretty good and it's paying $5.00 more an hour than Dan was paying him!! GOD is SOOOO GOOD!!  He likes the job and is actually expanding his knowledge with the company!  
We managed to make it through the holidays - spending the holidays with family, enjoying being with our loved ones and making new memories!  I took a part time seasonal job at Target to help us get through the holidays!  It was close to home and not hard work, plus I could still be home with Zane and only work 1 or 2 evenings during the week and a few hours on Saturday.  It really helped out and getting the discount at Target also came in handy for buying Christmas presents!  
Zane played Joseph in the church Christmas play!  And he did so good...and yes, I am partial, but I'm his mom, I'm supposed to be partial!! :) 
We are glad the holidays are over and a new year has begun!  A new year is like a fresh new page...waiting to be written with the choices we make in our lives.  I want to make sure that in this new year I make good choices and allow God to lead me to the place He wants me to be!  Hope you do the same for your life!! Until next time...

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